#1 Sistemas de basura (trilogía del margen ①) | Henrik Malmström

🇦🇷 AR$40.000
🌏 u$35

Sistemas de basura es una investigación fotográfica que releva los objetos utilizados por los cartoneros de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires para sostener las tapas de los contenedores de basura de los cuales extraen materiales para luego ser vendidos a centros de reciclados.      A través de estos objetos, la serie muestra un paisaje nocturno característico de la ciudad y una renovada época de crisis. Esta nueva topografía compuesta de objetos verticalizados, habla tanto de quienes descartan la basura como de aquellos que se dedican a recolectarla, clasificarla y comercializarla. Las imágenes/objeto buscan construir un retrato simbólico y literal de la relación social que se construye a través de los contenedores negros que pueblan las calles de la ciudad. 
Garbage systems is a photographic investigation that focuses on the objects that the “cartoneros” of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires use to support the lids of the new garbage containers, in an attempt to obtain materials that they later will bring to recycling centers.

Through these objects, the series shows a new nocturnal landscape characteristic of the city. A landscape that speaks as much of those who get rid of the garbage, as of those who are dedicated to the collection, classification, and sale as merchandise of it. The images seek to metaphorically portray new forms of life and a social relationship through the things found in the black containers that populate the streets of the city.
ESP/ENG - 2018
14,7cm x 21cm
128 páginas/pages
280 copias/copies
ISBN 978.987.783.707.0


Galería Alimentación General,
Buenos Aires 2018

Curada por  / Curated by
Manuel A. Fernandez

“Employing  yet another creative perspective, the photographer also turns his eye to the crannied surfaces of the garbage bins: images captured on the book's shiny pages, and taken in the deepest dark of night, make these surfaces appear like artistically abstract decors”

Ulrich Ruther

“A slick and uncanny title. Having been familiar with Malmström’s work previously. It is refreshing to see him leave the world of obfuscated desire and head instead into a slightly differentiated use of the thematic of “night” Malmström’s new world is that of the universal world of rubbish bins and trophy-pulling there from.”

Brad Feuerhelm 

Fotografía / Photography:
Henrik Malmström
Concepto Editorial  / Editorial Concept:
Martín Bollati
Diseño / Design:
Ricardo Baez
Textos / Texts:
Sergio Tonkonoff
Retoque Digital / Digital Retouch:
Bob Lightowler
Traducción / Translation:
María Santolo
Impresión / Printing:
Akian Gráfica S.A.
Encuadernacion / Binding:

Henrik Malmström (FIN). 
Vive y reside en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Su trabajo es el resultado de la interacción inmediata con lo que lo rodea. 
Henrik Malmström (FIN).
Currently lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His work is often the result of the interaction with his immediate surroundings. 
